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SEO Trends To Look For In 2020

Technology changes on the internet take place rapidly. With Google and other search engines altering their search algorithms regularly, you cannot make the mistake of sticking with the same SEO strategy for long. You need to periodically monitor your SEO strategy to make sure that your website can take full advantage of the ever-evolving changes. Publishing random content is no longer useful if you don’t use it to solve user problems consistently. Moreover, the content needs to meet the search engine quality standards of Google. In such a situation the services of an experienced SEO company are very critical as it could be the difference between success and failure of your SEO planning.
If you are looking to take your website to the first page of Google or other search engines with SEO, then you must leverage the latest SEO trends to your benefit. These trends have helped other businesses also, so why not yours.
Here are the top SEO trends of 2020 that you must look out for: –
  • Leverage the power of Influencers

This activity may not directly link with SEO, but it is highly effective. Online businesses are investing in influencer marketing because it is a revolutionary way of achieving results and that too in a quick time. Collaborating with an influencer will allow you to expand the scope of your products and services. You will also have the opportunity to get their inputs regarding how your sales can Increase.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the revolutionary innovations of the present times. Tech-based companies like Google and Microsoft use artificial intelligence to improve user search results. AI identifies the suitability of the content for the reader and can offer highly useful results that prompt the user to click on the links. You can also enlist the help of an agency providing SEO services to improve your website layout to make it more AI-friendly.
  • Voice Search

Until smartphones came into existence, searchers used to type words on the home page of the search engine to seek answers and information for their queries. Now, searchers are using their smartphones to initiate voice searches to look for the information they require. You may now generate more organic traffic for your website by understanding and implementing conversational searches in your search engine strategy and optimize your website for voice search.
  • Mobile UX

A website with no mobile version can lose most of its users because more users around the world use their smartphones to access websites or initiate searches on the internet. The technology and the way people find information through their smartphones are becoming more advanced. More so, the fact that there is a mobile site is not enough; the website content needs to be easy to read should capture the attention of the customers and keep them engaged. If you want to beat your rivals, your sites must be designed for mobile devices and optimized for various screen sizes. Also, Google prefers websites that have a mobile version and gives them a higher ranking.
  • Content needs to add value

Content value is an integral part of SEO. The quality of the content goes beyond the word count. It must be detailed and informative to answer all the questions that users have and should also be able to answer closely connected topics. Regular addition of quality content and engagement with visitors are liked by Google, which rewards you by ranking your website higher.
SEO is essential today. This does not only include the use of keywords; it also involves the optimization of user content. A search engine that processes information based on the behavior of search users and becomes more accurate, and therefore new trends emerge each year that change the way information is published on the internet. You must keep up with these changes to stave off the competition.


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