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cloud computing

Cloud based on demand web-services such as databases, queues, identity management, data on-demand, widgets, etc. are meeting with browser based thick-client frameworks such as AJAX, Adobe Flex, MS Silverlight, etc. to create a new breed of applications, built on a resuscitated Client/Server (Client/Server 2.0) SOA-based paradigm. The traditional "business logic" application server middle-tier is ceding the way to cloud based pay-per-use SOA.

The increasing sophistication of cloud web-services platforms, the increase in browser sophistication and the availability of advanced client side IDEs will reinforce this trend. The new paradigm will simplify the development of web applications, simplify the creation of SaaS, provide better maintainability and lower TCO.

Read more: A Technical Seminar Report on “CLOUD COMPUTING'' - |“CLOUD-COMPUTING#ixzz1ngEvhplM


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