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Showing posts from January, 2018

Laravel 5 Installation

Laravel: Simple/Easy Installation Guide This tutorial shows step-by-step guide to install Laravel. Here, I will show two ways for installation. One is installing directly by  composer create-project  command and the other is by cloning or downloading Laravel from GitHub and then running the  composer install  command. 1) Method 1 – Go to your web server root – In Ubuntu, it’s /var/www/. – In Windows, if you install Wampp on C: drive then the server root is C://wamp/www/, for Xampp, it’s C://xampp/htdocs/ – Run the following command in terminal/command-prompt: 1 composer create - project laravel / laravel name - of - your - project – This will create a directory with  name-of-your-project  and install Laravel files in it – Then, you can simply browse  http :// localhost / name - of - your - project / public  to access Laravel 2) Method 2 – Go to  Laravel Github – Clone or Download it to your web serv...